From the object to the landscape, inside out, the creative process of Studio Arthur Casas is intimately connected to a horizontal scale, where the main concern is the dialogue in the conception of programs that can be as diverse as a chair or an entire neighborhood, influenced by a spirit both modernist and contemporary that is Brazilian but also cosmopolitan.
Since 1990, the team of designers, architects and urbanists works from São Paulo and NY, and has built in several cities worldwide such as Tokyo, Paris, Rio de Janeiro, NY and São Paulo, creating a vocabulary that is recognized and published internationally.
The individual is the center of architecture. Houses, buildings and environments not only shelter our bodies and our actions, but they also harbor our minds, our dreams, our memories and our desires. Architecture and design give shape to the human experience of being in the world, strengthening our notion of being and directly influencing our lives.
The environments we design and build should not follow fads, trends, styles or seek only the dramatic and spectacular gesture. On the contrary, they must be living, welcoming, empathic, flexible, full of different possibilities of interaction that can, over time, transform the lives of the individuals who occupy them.
Our creative process assumes that in architecture the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. It is the quality of the whole that permeates, controls and affects every detail of our design. Therefore, our attention is directed to all scales, from architecture to furniture, from the smallest of the objects to the choice of all the materials used. The perception of the environments happens totally, not only with our eyes, but with all our senses, our bodies and our emotions.
Arthur Casas
Founding Architect
Regiane Khristian
Director Architect
Gabriel Ranieri
Projects Director Architect
Nara Telles
Projects Director Architect
Raissa Furlan
International Director Architect
Airis Rocha
Ana Paula Mendes
Anderson Marques
André Caetano
Beatriz Mélo
Bruna Lorena
Cadu Villela
Camila Barros Gonçalves
Carolina Portugal
Dafni Levy
Diracema Gonçalves
Eduardo Mikowski
Fabíola Andrade
Felipe Sanquetta
Fernanda Mori
Flora Monteiro
Gabriel Contreira
Gabriel Leitão
Giovana Carvalho Silva
Gisete Reis
Guilherme Peres de Melo
Gustavo Hohmann
Jaqueline Autilio
Jefferson Moura
João Cheng
João Victor Lisboa
Karen Sato
Karina Ricci
Kelen Cristina
Leonardo Fernandes Lourenço
Luiz Nogueira
Manoela Vilaça
Marcela Coelho
Marcela Du Plessis
Marcella França
Marcelo Bertolato Bicalho
Marcelo Melo
Maria Gruber
Maria Eduarda Pereira de Almeida
Maria Julia da Paz
Mariana Dias Gama
Mariana Santoro
Miram Prates
Natália Lorenzoni
Nathalia Reys
Nicholas Theo
Ose Fernandes
Paula Real
Rafaela Barcelos
Renata Soares
Rodrigo Bocater
Tamar Firer
Tatiana Ordine
Thaís de Andrade Ferreira
Thomas Bonfim Eckert
Valentina Lindner
Vicente Santos
Vinicius Vitoriano
Vitor Sá
Our projects are recognized by prestigious national and international publications such as Dwell, Architectural Record, Wallpaper, Interior Design, AD, Interni and many others.