
MS House

In this residence, as is the case with most of our designs, the internal and external environments are completely integrated. This way, the house does not simply fulfill its original role as a shelter. Rather, it becomes a vast space for leisure and pleasure.

We sought to incorporate a view of the woods and golf courses to the south and, at the same time, to take advantage of the abundant natural light from the street-facing northern side. Distribution along a latitudinal axis was the solution, making the most of both views in a spacious floor plan that occupies nearly the whole of the plot.

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The ground floor opens up into two parts, setting apart one wing of bedrooms and another of social areas. On one side, four suites, designated for the family’s daughters and guests, open themselves up to the view through a glass corridor; on the other side, the rooms are shielded by wooden blinds and landscaping, allowing for both sunlight and privacy.

The materials chosen are typical of traditional rural constructions, such as the bricks used across the lower floor and the uneven wooden planks used on the upper level, which includes the master suite and studio.


The aridity of the local climate is alleviated by the artificial lake that wraps around the building, stocked with plants and fishes that treat the water naturally. The house’s pool is tucked away within it.

The furnishings are nearly all examples of the best in mid-century American design. The design and execution of the dining table and chairs, conceived especially for this house, fell to renowned American artist Michael Coffey.


